Restoration Authority: Habitat Types

View individual project profiles for Funded Projects and Eligible Projects in EcoAtlas.

This performance measure tracks habitat types in implementation projects funded by the Authority. Tidal Marsh Complex includes tidal marsh and associated tidal flat and shallow bay.

Restoration Authority: Funding Authorized vs Requested

This performance measure tracks the total cumulative funding authorized by the Authority's Governing Board compared to total funding requested through grant applications. The data may not match information in EcoAtlas since it is updated once a year at the time of the publication of the Authority's Annual Report.

Restoration Authority: Funding by Region and 20-Year Targets

Measure AA requires that grant funds be distributed to projects throughout the region, with 50% of funds allocated to the four Bay Area regions in proportion to each region's share of the Bay Area's population, as determined in the 2010 census, and 50% allocated without regard to location. The bar charts show progress towards these targets. Further details on how the targets were calculated can be found on the FAQ page under “Will there be projects near where I live?”

Restoration Authority: Funding by County

The pie chart shows the distribution of grant funds to projects across the nine Bay Area counties. Multi-county refers to projects that are located in more than one county. The Authority has funded projects in all 9 counties. However, counties may not be visible if their associated project(s) span multiple counties or have small dollar amounts.

Restoration Authority: Measure AA Campaign Goals Progress

Measure AA, or the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure, was a parcel tax measure placed on the June 2016 ballots of the nine county San Francisco Bay Area by the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority to fund restoration projects in the Bay. It passed with 70% approval across the region and went into effect in 2017. The bar chart shows progress towards the goals set during the campaign to pass Measure AA.