San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Project Tours

Description The San Francisco Bay Joint Venture regularly coordinates tours of habitat restoration projects in the Bay Area. This group is used for designing route maps for project tours.
Organization San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Number of Projects 6
Mapped Projects

Habitat Projects

Habitat Project Name Status County Total Acres
China Camp State Park Road Adaptation and Tidal Marsh Enhancement
Planning Marin < 0.1
Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project
In-progress Solano 1,555
Novato Deer Island Tidal Wetlands Restoration
In-progress Marin 33.67
Sears Point Tidal Wetland Restoration Project
Plan or Permit Map
In-progress Sonoma 1,106
Sonoma Creek Baylands Strategy
Completed Sonoma < 0.1
Tiscornia Marsh Restoration and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Project
Plan or Permit Map
In-progress Marin 12.00